Why Cybersecurity Matters
- Attackers are constantly finding new targets and refining the tools they use to break through cyber defenses.
- Attacks are becoming very sophisticated and targeted.
- Emerging threat Sources:
- Vulnerabilities – new vulnerabilities discovered every day, each more sophisticated and severe than the last
- Unsecured IoT devices – 29% of organizations have adopted IoT, estimate 46 trillion connected devices by 2021 • Botnets – DDoS attacks
- Sophisticated and persistent attacks – Harder to detect, more destructive than ever before (Zero Day)
- State sponsored threats – China, North Korea, Russia!
- Large scale connectivity– All internet connected, all expose risk
- Disappearance of Network Borders– Cloud, BYoD, flexibility
- As an SI (System Integrator)
- As an Exclusive Distributer